About Us

About Mosaic

Mosaics are works of art created from a multitude of individual pieces. Traditionally, these tiny pieces are made of tile, glass, ceramics, etc. These individual pieces can have rough or broken edges, but when carefully crafted together, these tiny, broken pieces create a full, beautiful image.

Mosaic Consulting Services creates opportunities for people to learn more about themselves and the beautiful, complex layers they add to any spaces they share with other humans. The deeper we understand our own individual layers, the better equipped we are to understand and respond to others in the complexity of all their layers. This understanding makes us artists within our communities: we create richer and fuller communities when we learn about and lean into the individual differences we each bring to the whole.

Mosaic does nothing in a silo—meaning, the diversity, equity and inclusion consulting and training we offer values and invites the voices of experts in several different fields for each of our clients. Whether you are reaching out for individual coaching, team development, or leadership training, you can be sure Mosaic will be working in partnership with and elevating the voices of other experts as we prepare your roadmap.

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